Courage Under Siege
Attention: Speakers, Coaches, Writers, Mentors, Entrepreneurs, Mompreneurs
Establish and authenticate yourself as THE expert!
I speak with many individuals who are candid, yet shy, about sharing their life with the world. But what happens, and the reason why they seek me out, is that they can no longer keep that knowledge, that message, inside of them.
When the stress becomes too much for the size of the bud, there is no other choice but to let go and allow the expansion of what no longer wishes to be kept hidden.
This is often, and not unlikely in every case, when the Maya Angelous, the Oprah Winfreys, the Arthur Millers,
the Steven Spielbergs, the Johann Sebastian Bachs, those who run for the high-profile elected offices can no longer play small, as the message of what’s buried inside of them, needs to be shared with the world! And the sooner the better!
Oh, the beauty of the bloom!
While speaking to these individuals who have a great and powerful message, they often do not possess the knowledge or have the funds it takes to begin the journey of being the carrier and ambassador of hope, inspiration, and encouragement.
Do any of these resonate with you?
Do you relate to any of these situations?
Stories need to be told!
There are stories out there, such as those shared above, plus many more than you could ever fathom or imagine, that are filled with courage while under siege when the trial, tribulation, or transition became one of sur-thrival, triumphant, and transformative.
You may think that courage was not involved during that horrific time of hardship and strife. But, oh, let me be the first one to tell you how brave you were to continue day in and day out until you came out of the throes of bad times. Many don’t have the strength you showed, getting up each morning to face God-only-knows-what.
But you did make it through! And that is the exact reason your story is to be told!
Authenticate your expertise.
You may already know this next part. You know what your purpose is here on this Earth—to help and assist other caregivers, grievers, debtors, or cancer victims with sharing the benefit of your experience and new-found expertise and wisdom!
You may be speaking or doing workshops and webinars to share your expertise. How many times, though, have you been told you should write a book on the subject? You know you want to; however, you don’t know where to begin or have the funds or the time to do so.
Let me help bring your knowledge and expertise out and into the world.
What if I told you I can get you into a book inexpensively (to the point of zero cost), using very little of your time?
I am seeking life-changers just like yourself to share the fix, the process, the checklist, the answer-to-all-questions between the covers of a book, “Courage Under Siege: Powerful Stories of Transition, Triumph, & Transformation.”
This will be a game-, and maybe for a few of you, a life-changing event. Authenticate what you do best with your own words, and in print.
You experienced some awfully hard and difficult circumstances and events. There is no doubt about that. But you also experienced joy from them. Seriously, there is no gain without pain. There is no joy without the lowest of the lowest moments. God or whoever is your Spiritual Source, with his or her or its Infinite Wisdom planned that all who suffer will have peace; and after discovering that peace, you realized you acquired the tools and the knowledge to share your story in order to lessen the pain and hurt someone else is feeling.
As I speak with my colleagues in coaching and writing, they, too, have come to this very same conclusion: we are here on this Earth to help our neighbor.
You are not alone. Know that you are loved, and you are held, if not by anyone else but me.
This in and of itself is why I do what I do. This is my BIG WHY.
More of why you should be a part of this book.
Courage Under Siege is about YOU coming to the aid of your brothers and sisters on this Earth, easing their lot in life by teaching them, sharing with them, what you’ve learned.
It is truly my belief we are meant to share our story in all its glory—the mess, the sins, the desperation, the deep abyss fallen into, and then, with the same urgency, accountability, and truthfulness, how we rose out of the ashes, climbed out of the hole, saved our soul, and lived through it all to tell the entire gory, yet inspirational, story.
You know the importance of having a book, something you can produce on the spot to make you look professional, like you are an expert at what you do. Here’s your chance to do just that! AND to be a best-selling author to boot!
Being part of an anthology or compilation book, where there are multiple authors, took me to places I never imagined in my wildest dreams! I’ve “walked” the Red Carpets at the Oscars and Golden Globes. I have books in countries all over the world! I became a best-selling author! You, too, can have that title, that coveted distinction!
I’ll share more later on how to reach best-selling status, but you must first:
- BELIEVE in yourself
- INVEST in yourself
Benefits of being a part of an anthology book.
If you already have a book of your own online or in a bookstore for sale, still give consideration to being in this one, too. The accolades and acknowledgment received when having two or more books with your name printed as a contributor in any shape or form is absolutely astonishing! I am in multiple books using the anthology method, which gives me more than enough expert status of not only being a published writer and author, but as someone who knows how to publish! (My name is printed in those books, as well!)
If this will be your first time as a published author, the same accolades and acknowledgment apply to you, too!
Plus, you can use the book to:
- get paid speaking engagements to share your wisdom
- create your own workshops to teach the lessons learned
- be interviewed by local media to increase your visibility
- find strategic partners who can further advance your career
Really, the benefits and possibilities are self-perpetuating.
Consider this opportunity as the steppingstone and springboard to launch a very successful career or small business venture.
Remember when I said that “you are not alone?”
You will be well provided for.
I’ll be with you during the entire writing process.
To make the writing as easy as possible, I’ve created a template for you to follow. Inside you’ll find space to:
Use the template each time you want to write any piece; a blog, LinkedIn posts, a chapter for another book, several chapters for your own book.
The template is based on writing 3,000 words, which is the maximum word count for each chapter within this book. The minimum word count is 2,500. That may seem like a lot of words to you, but once you use the template, you’ll see how easy and quickly you can put your chapter together. I have every confidence in you!
Once your book companions (aka, the other authors) are in place, I’ll schedule a call to answer any questions you may have.
You are in experienced hands.
I have nearly 30 books to my credit, by solely writing them, contributing chapters, quoted and acknowledged in, or featured on the front cover. There are also works I’m associated with that I can’t tell you about, because I had either been a ghostwriter for the book or only provided files for Kindle upload.
Also of that 30, a few I published for my book collaborators (I have no clients!) via Amazon, using their Kindle Direct Publishing and CreateSpace open-sourced software applications.
Expect those two applications to be used in publishing Courage Under Siege. Additionally, I will be using the open-source web application, SmashWords, to reach even more readers who use a Nook, iBook, or other device to satisfy their ebook appetite.
Your words of wisdom will be devoured world-wide with any e-reader!
What others say.
My pledge to you.
Tentative timeline.
June 21, 2016 – special call just for you if you’re sitting on the fence, wondering if this is a good fit, the right time, how you can monetize your story, and any other question you may have before you make the commitment. REGISTER HERE.
Doors close on this edition Saturday July 9, 2016 11:59 am Central.
Week of July 11, 2016 – group Welcome call to answer your questions.
Week of July 18, 2016 – group Check-In call and Q&A.
August 15, 2016 – submit chapter.
August 16-31, 2016 – editing and proofing copy.
August 16, 2016 – group Let’s Celebrate Your Success!
September 1-30, 2016 – layout and design of the book.
September 13, 2016 – group call Let’s Talk Marketing!
Week of October 3-7, 2016 – quality assurance check.
October 8-15, 2016 – distribute copy to group for social media and email blitz.
October 11, 2016 – group Let’s Talk How to Make Money with this book.
October 16-31, 2016 – eBook promotions.
November 1, 2016, “National Authors Day.” eBook version launch on Amazon Kindle. What better day, right?
The print version will be launched at a later date. The method of my madness is to then announce that the book is a best-seller on Amazon Kindle.
BONUS: If you sign on to be published in this book, you will have the option to purchase print copies, once they become available, through me for $10.00 USD each, plus a small shipping fee; a savings of nearly $5.00 USD per book.
Your questions answered.
What if I’m the only one who signs up as a contributor for the book?
Not to worry. If there are not enough (that is, at least 10) writers to make this a good-sized book, your chapter will still get published on Amazon Kindle.
What if there is an overflow of contributors?
If there are, say, more than 20 contributors, then the overflow will either go into a second book, published at a later date, or the author will have the option to get published on Amazon Kindle separately, as stated above. Chapter publication will be determined by chronological order of when initial program purchase received.
What if I miss the deadline to submit my chapter?
It is quite possible that your chapter may not be included in the book. If you feel you won’t make the appointed deadline, please contact me.
Is the book title finalized?
Mostly. There may be a tweak or two with the subtitle.
What if I change my mind and don’t want to be in the book after it goes for publishing?
I don’t anticipate that happening, but if it does, we will work on a mutual settlement.
How soon will I get my printed books that were part of the pay-in-full incentive?
Expect 2-4 weeks after publication.
Am I expected to help with marketing?
Yes, but it is not required. I will have easy to follow instructions on how to share the ebook launch on social media sites.
How can you be reached if I have more questions?
Email me here:
Your next step.
As previously mentioned, it is my intention to make this process an easy and affordable one for you. That includes clicking either of the two buttons at the bottom of this page to be a part of Courage Under Siege.
The Subscribe button allows you to set up 2 easy-pay monthly installments of $99.00 USD each.
The Buy Now button allows you to pay in full with a one-time payment of $197.00 USD. And remember, when you pay in full you will receive FIVE (5) print copies of the book, when they become available.*
It’s Your Choice. The Faster You Register, The More You Receive!
The above graphic shows the value you receive from the program, especially if you take advantage of the FAST ACTION bonus by June 24, 2016. But even if you take the 2-pay option, you still have the opportunity to save BIG! It’s a WIN-WIN all around!
Imagine it! A book that has your story, your words, your wisdom shared on National Author’s Day, November 1, 2016 that will help others who are going through what you did. Just think… someone may read what you share and the pain felt has been eased.
It’s a cause for C E L E B R A T I O N and A C T I O N ! !
I give my consent.
By completing either of the PayPal transactions, I acknowledge and give my consent to be included in this book tentatively named, Courage Under Siege. I understand that if there are less than ten (10) contributors, my chapter submission will be published as an ebook via Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing open-source application. I also understand that if there are more than twenty (20) contributions, my chapter will be published chronologically of when the program payment had been received. I will be published by either 1) in a 2nd edition of the book, published at a later date, providing the overflow is more than ten (10) contributors, OR 2) as an ebook, as stated previously with less than ten (10) contributors.
Easy 2 payments of $99
Pay in full to receive 5 print copies!*
Pay in full BY 11:59 pm Pacific Time JUNE 24, 2016 to receive 5 MORE books!*
Choose PayPal Credit to get the FAST ACTION BONUS and spread payments over SIX months!
How easy is that? If not now, when? C’mon! You know in your heart this is something you want to do!
Remember, you won’t be alone and you will be held and guided throughout the entire process. You have my word.
If you have any questions before we get started, please let me know.
See you soon!
To your success,
Peggy Lee Hanson